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December 2017

SM Particles


It is obvious that there are essentially 27 fermion particle states in the Standard Model: 24 flavor states plus three special neutrino mass states, represented by the 1-circulant permutations. A side on this tetractys, for one generation, is precisely a parity cube for Furey’s complex octonion scheme. The parities give the charges on the three ribbon strands in the diagrams for the particles. Furey’s complex conjugation flips the ribbon twist, and gets augmented in B3 by the braiding. 

How it’s done 14

Our series on witch hunting shall include many posts on thought policing as a tactic of psychological abuse.

The easiest psychological knife to construct is the ‘lose if you do and lose if you don’t’ game. After some experience, the witch knows she will be punished whatever choice she makes. For example, an abuser risks nothing in asking the simple question ‘how are you’. If the witch lies and says ‘fine’, all her pending complaints will be dismissed. If she is honest and says ‘not ok’, then she can be blamed for her negative thinking. After all, she is not dead yet, so what could there possibly be to complain about. 

Once the witch figures out what is happening, which can take years, the abusers can up the ante on the blame game. If she misbehaves, which is to say that she says something, she can be reprimanded directly for the crime, so that there is no doubt whatsoever that she is supposed to take the blame. This tactic is especially effective when the abuse is sanctioned by the State. 

How it’s done 13

What happens when a witch goes to the central police station to report a very serious crime?

The witch arrives early in the morning, just as the queue is starting to form. She demands to speak to an officer, so that she can show him many details about the crime.

But the officer at the window insists that all he can do is take a report. On his computer. Of course the witch protests that this exercise is quite pointless, but the officer is already irritated by her rudeness. He insists that all he can do is write a report, and give it to the sergeant. So the witch stands there for half an hour dictating the report while the officer types. She knows that the fate of this report will most likely resemble that of all the previous reports. Nothing will happen.

The officer sits there typing, completely ignoring all the witch’s pleas for urgent help. When he is done, he prints off a slip of paper with a number on it and hands it to the witch. She is not entitled to a copy of the report, which is supposedly confidential, although by now a long queue of people with cellphones and microphones has formed behind the witch. The officer points out that there is no microphone in his office to record the conversation, and the witch looks around at all the nearby microphones wondering how a police force in 2017 could even act that stupid.

The witch spies the doorway into the office of the Victim Support team. She attempts to enter. Now the police officer behind the window is getting rather angry. He tells the witch that she will not be speaking to anyone else that day. Luckily, the witch has no desire to speak to anyone else anyway, and so she goes to the cinema to see the latest Star Wars film. 

Orwell’s Christmas

Big Brother is quite determined that some people will have a lousy Christmas. All I wanted to do this morning was complain about the latest round of file deletions, as one does, and what does he do?


Prevents me from sending emails. Fortunately, Apple and I have found a solution to this problem, which means that I depend entirely on Apple’s ability to keep iOS relatively secure. As it happens, my secondary email account, on a supposedly secure independent app, also had problems this morning. Coincidence, Big Brother? People are starting not to believe in your coincidences. 

Merry Christmas.

Orwell at Researchgate

If arbitrarily altered personal files are not Orwellian enough for you, consider the alteration of history. The photo shows a comment made by Carl Brannen at Researchgate three years ago.


Only, this is not the comment that Carl made three years ago. The content of the comment is not particularly important to anyone except me, but when I first looked at it a few days ago, it referred to all my vixra papers, not just the short ugly one from 2007. A small, harmless alteration, Big Brother?

Big Brother has been doing this a lot. He feels safe altering historical comments on any website whatsoever, because most people will never notice, and when they do they can be accused of having imagined it due to mental health problems. 

Well, Big Sister has news for you, Big Brother. Now that you have destroyed so many millions of lives this way, and people are watching you, you will be caught. It is only a matter of time. Of course, the possible alteration of such stories themselves is a potential obstacle for whistleblowers, but we will find a way eventually. 

Ribbons and spacetime

With an anyonic B3 for SU(2) and B2 for U(1), compactified Minkowski space emerges from ribbon diagrams. Charged leptons have twisted ribbons:


Braids are usually considered as associative creatures, but as every category theorist knows, non associative braids are very interesting. Here we are allowed to bracket strands, and a pentagon on four leaved trees can be turned into bracketed braids on four strings. Similarly, a four leaved fusion tree for four anyons can be viewed as strings. 

How it’s done 12

December 15, 2017

Dear editors

I have attempted to re-upload the manuscript on your submissions page, since it disappeared, but I am being blocked from doing so, since the website no longer works for me. I have attempted to attach it to this email also (see below) but from experience that probably won’t work either. A third possible option is for you to view the vixra preprint at the link below.



Dr Marni Dee Sheppeard
Marni's iPad