Oh, see how great the magnitude of this crime. See.
All these years I have been abused and starved and tortured, with the primary aim of preventing me from working on amplitudes, my stalkers have known perfectly well that my 2007 thesis (which is all my work) proves that perturbative string theory was the wrong approach to gravity. They were so determined to traffic me away from theoretical physics, or to kill me, that they brazenly allowed thousands upon thousands of academics to pursue an agenda that could never work. With my diseased mind, all I could do was blog about it, and hope that someone listened.
Oh, they were listening all right. They have quite a big industry going, monitoring everything a witch does and turning every one of her new ideas into a published paper written by someone else. Then they have to isolate the witch to make sure she never finds out what they are up to, taking control of all her internet activity. Of course they also run a huge discreditation program, using everything she says and does as proof that the witch never knew anything, and demonstrating with false evidence that the nasty witch is evil. The witch only realises this when adults start encouraging their children to throw rocks at her while she is lying down on the ground.
And all this time the witch is fighting insanity, because she can see that the amplitudes people are just not getting the point, and she knows she will probably die before they do. But she doesn’t realise why people hate her. The traffickers have made sure that she doesn’t find out that someone else is getting credit for her ground breaking thesis (until now). When she fails to protest, because she doesn’t even know the accusation, it is taken as further evidence of her guilt. When she attempts to revise the work, for the hundredth time, the traffickers quickly punish her. This is her first clue: any attempt to do theoretical physics is severely punished. But it takes years to figure it out, and she almost dies many times along the way.
Finally, in 2017, the amplitudes people figure out the importance of her work. But they do not cite her. By this time, the internet is openly hostile to the witch. The amplitudes people have pretty much given up on string theory now, recently, and have apparently forgotten that the witch spent over twenty years of her life suffering terribly because she knew that perturbative string theory was the wrong approach and was not afraid to say so publicly to many witnesses. But what can the witch prove. Remember that Orwell has been running around altering files and websites almost at will, to show that the witch never had any good ideas.
And now the Devil himself steps in with his master stroke, the subtlety of which only a great mathematician could appreciate: since string theory is obviously wrong, and now itself a target for ridicule, why not let everyone think that the witch always worked on string theory (twistor strings as opposed to operads, her subject). In the long run, if history is vaguely true, such a preposterous lie could not hold out. But what will happen now? The Devil and Orwell currently have a pretty good handle on history. People believe them. The mind-boggling waste of resources, pushing science down the wrong road for decades and killing off talent, is invisible to them. Who can even read what I write?
And that is merely my case. One of many.
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