Quantum Gravity Lesson 11
31 December 2018
The combinatorial connection between the associahedra and permutohedra is well known. Triangulate the faces of the associahedron and dualise to obtain the permutohedron.
The combinatorial connection between the associahedra and permutohedra is well known. Triangulate the faces of the associahedron and dualise to obtain the permutohedron.
And the state space for 3 qutrits and 3 4-dits is 1728, the natural normalisation of the j-invariant. Instead of 4/27 we have 256. At the golden ratio, we get 2048, the spinor cube for spatial dimension 24 in EP.
In my new draft, I look at the permutoassociahedra. Category theory naturally puts algebraic structure onto diagrams, making it the right language for physics.
Decades of this.
April. Whiteboard where I explain the importance of the golden ratio to the j-invariant:
December: Paper with said matrix that does not cite me:
It goes without saying that I have made complaints in the past to the agencies listed in the following email, many times. Funny, isn’t it. When the police or doctors or neighbours turn you away, it may just possibly be because they are deluded enough not to know how badly abused some scientists are. But when a Five Eyes agency does it, knowing full well what goes on ...
Letter to some residents of the United States
STOP EMAILING ME. No, I do not wish to discuss my ground breaking research with you. I have been doing this for decades. In return you have watched me being tortured, starved, ostracised, abused, made homeless, drugged and more. Perhaps you all think it’s funny. And, no, that was NOT an opportunity you all gave me, to be further abused. I know what side of history I am on.
The anyon charges on the parity cube are naturally associated to the Bilson-Thompson ribbon diagrams for SM states, putting the SM into the world of quantum computation. Fibonacci anyons are useful in universal quantum computation, the process of constructing arbitrary gates from a few ingredients, using the braid group representations of the associated category.
Instead of a gauge group like SU(2), we start with the braid group, infinite but discrete.
He was hoping I’d be dead by now. A thousand times over. Now he just looks stupid. You would think he could allow the odd professional citation or two, given how many thousands read my papers, but no. He had to make it zero. Totally unrealistic.