December 2018
Quantum Gravity Lesson 7
20 December 2018
Recall that discrete simplices come from paths on a torus, or rather, discrete cubes. There are 2 easy ways to count 27 paths, using qutrits.
Here the blue numbers count the noncommutative words in 3 letters, of length 3 or 4. By choosing one digit out of four, we select the neutrino source vertex on Cohl Furey’s parity cube of charges for Standard Model states. We must make the choice to get a 3d cube: a cube on each of the 3 sides of the triangle.
And for fun, here is the ancient seal with the 72 names of God in the center (aka e6). Discrete blowups for a magic plane require discrete simplices. Yes, there’s some serious history revision that the Patriarchy doesn’t want you to know about ...
Quantum Gravity Lesson 6
20 December 2018
I was asked to present a popular physics introduction to the neutrino CMB correspondence, so here it is. It’s rough. The tent doesn’t have the best acoustics. But there we are.
Orwell Makes Himself Comfortable
20 December 2018
On a decent version of iOS, Apple would not hesitate to upload files to my icloud drive. But for witches, iOS is too busy doing goodness knows what.
Quantum Gravity Lesson 5
17 December 2018
The Jordan algebra theorists have been studying the broken Jacobi rule in the algebras of exceptional periodicity, but forgot to mention the important polytope of length 3 words: the two dimensional permutoassociahedron.
Here the zero terms are included. Taking 2 adjacent zeroes (two plus signs in a bracket) we can think of the braiding arrow in between as a zero. Then the remaining 11 edges give the new Jacobi rule. The associators act as minus signs and the gammas as plus signs. There are 2 additional zeroes, but it works. Recall that the 3d permutoassociahedron has eight of these 12-gons, and 120 vertices.
In it’s usual form, the 12-gon appears here:
Note the additional edges for the braiding of bracketed objects. Here I was discussing the 8n dimensions of nested cubes and the powers of 2 associated to spinors.
Dear Head Hunters
15 December 2018
Dear Academic Research Human Resources Head Hunters
Nobody has ever asked me what accommodations I might need if I am employed as a professional researcher. Please let me tell you.
- A quiet, private office space to work in
- Standard resources: library, computer etc.
- Enough healthy food to eat
- Some really, really serious information security support
- Somewhere warm and dry to sleep
That’s it. I understand that many of you think this is quite simply out of the question, and I find it difficult to imagine living in a world where my basic needs are met, but perhaps I can convince you that I am pretty good value for money: look after me, and you get quantum gravity in return.
Orwell at AcademicJobs
15 December 2018
It doesn’t matter how many times I select a list of subjects on my coversheet at AcademicJobsOnline. The list wipes itself out. No doubt this makes it difficult for honest head hunters to find my cv and contact details.
Quantum Gravity Lesson 4
15 December 2018
You may have noticed the ubiquity of 3x3 matrices in both qutrit mathematics from quantum computation theory and from the exceptional periodicity of the algebraic Star of David (actually, it’s more like the Seal of Solomon). Where have we seen such 3x3 matrices before? Oh, right. Fourier mass matrices for triplets of rest masses.
Response to a Millionth Rejection
15 December 2018
Don’t worry. I will be going somewhere nice like Princeton or Cambridge. Bye.
Orwell at Instagram
13 December 2018
At present, I cannot even post photos of pretty pictures on Instagram. Guess Big Brother is pretty scared that I’ll encrypt quantum gravity into a jpg file. Heh, dude. People are getting it anyway.