November 2019
Human trafficking is not imaginary. I have been an official target of stalking, torture, academic mobbing and professional censorship for over 15 years. The only regular contact I have been permitted over this period is Michael Rios, who has been indirectly taking credit for my life’s work, with the aid of many academic colleagues. What the Cabal has done (and the New Zealand government has some serious questions to answer) should have killed me by now, and so there can be no doubt that their intention is to completely erase me from existence, for the crime of not being a compliant woman.
I would like to forgive Michael Rios, and I will always love him, but the world needs to understand the whole truth.
I am entirely alone. The Cabal has cut me off from every person that I ever knew. I know of not one person on the planet who believes my story, even though I am autistic and Michael Rios is a psychopath, and there are thousands upon thousands of witnesses. This is because the Cabal employs tactics that the average person simply cannot comprehend. I will focus here on the alteration of history in real time.
Two of my research achievements stand out here. The first is my work on the application of operads to scattering amplitudes in particle physics. I was working on this, as a category theory physicist, many years before other physicists realised its importance. When I went to Oxford in 2009, I had no idea that the establishment intended stealing this work from me, and I had no idea then that Michael Rios is a psychopath. At no point did I ever actually work with Michael. He was a honeypot operation, who never had any intention of working with me, and was only there to orchestrate the theft of my work and pass it around to the men sitting safely in the ivory tower. Although his emails were always encouraging, it was quite obvious from the beginning that he was not a trustworthy person, but I enjoyed talking to him anyway.
The second important achievement is my work on neutrinos. Michael has no history whatsoever of working on this subject, never discussed it with me, and made zero contributions to it over the eight year period that it was considered controversial. Only Graham Dungworth and I, who discovered the neutrino CMB correspondence in 2010, took the idea seriously. Today, finally, it is recognised as a key insight into quantum gravity, and my own personal prediction of a 1.29 eV sterile is still a good fit to data.
Many other observational consequences of my long term research program have also turned out to be true. I predicted that no supersymmetric partners would be observed at the LHC, for the correct reasons, but nowadays the string theorists are still trying to say that they were right all along. Nobody cites my work. Michael Rios has a background in string theory, not in category theory. He was silent for over a decade while I stood my ground on these questions.
But the historical record has now been completely altered to make it look like I was working under Michael all along. Even though I suffered terribly for my public criticisms of string theory, going all the way back to 1994, today people laugh at me for being a string theorist. I never was. I studied in Australia and New Zealand, where academics have always been critical of string theory.
Personally, I only have access to public websites, but what you can find there is disturbing enough. In June 2010, on the Galaxy Zoo astrophysics forums, Graham Dungworth began discussing my calculations of right handed neutrino masses. In his initial posts he mentioned my name as the primary source for these numbers, and quickly noted many consequences of the match between the 0.00117 eV mass and the present day CMB temperature. At the time, I immediately understood this was an important discovery, as evidenced in many of my blog posts on my blog Arcadian Pseudofunctor, because I had been thinking about the CMB as a measure of time for many years. It is mentioned in my thesis, and I gave seminars on the subject while a student at the University of Canterbury. More recently, although the Galaxy Zoo forum is secure and no longer operating, these 2010 posts of Graham’s were altered to remove my name. Graham Dungworth is a witness, and has personally testified that this happened. (Important links regarding this neutrino saga are on my website, Arcadian Gravity.)
In 2010 and afterwards, I was dealing with chronic depression, lead poisoning, psychosis, severe malnutrition, social isolation and many other problems. I was badly abused by the mental health authorities in New Zealand. When I could, I continued to make half hearted contributions to the neutrino cosmology on the vixra preprint archive, including impressive theoretical predictions. In 2015, I began to hear rumours that I no longer worked on the neutrino CMB idea, which was entirely false, and so I realised that the academics had finally figured out it was a very good idea. They bullied me relentlessly.
I will now discuss more recent instances of history alteration, involving both long term online colleagues and people I have met personally.
Mitchell Porter is allegedly an Australian theorist, who has long followed my work online. For over a decade, he made positive remarks about my work, even starting a blog about it. Mitchell should therefore know very well that I always had my own independent research program in category theory, starting long before I ever met Michael Rios. But when you look at the PhysicsForums website today (a site that now blocks me) it is clear that history has been altered. In this particular case, I do not have a clear recollection of Mitchell’s old posts, but it is clear to me that the overall story has been radically altered. One example is given below, on a post that now appears high on a Google search under the names of Rios and Sheppeard. In this post, Mitchell implies that I was working on Michael’s program. This is ENTIRELY incorrect. This was NOT the case. In fact, in those days, Michael was working solely on the algebraic M theory approach, which I constantly criticised for its physical flaws, and he had no understanding at all of what I was doing. And Mitchell must have known this.
Meanwhile, Professor Nima Arkani-Hamed of the Princeton IAS was busy writing papers about scattering amplitudes. It would take him until 2017 to realise that my 2007 thesis contained the correct ideas, and then he wrote a paper about it without citing me, although he knew perfectly well that I had told him about these ideas when I met him in 2009 at Oxford. While working at Oxford, I even gave a seminar on the operad approach, which was attended by Lionel Mason and an unknown number of other interested parties. I also went to a private workshop with Roger Penrose, Arkani-Hamed and his group, at Penrose’s house.
While suffering abuse back in New Zealand, right up until 2018, I did not know why nobody was citing the pioneering work in my thesis. It never occurred to me that Michael Rios was stealing the credit and watching me die, because he was being nice to me in his private emails.
Pure evil is what we are talking about here.
In 2017, now completely homeless and completely alone, living in a tent in Auckland, I wean myself off the psychiatric drugs and begin to feel much better. I start to write about physics again. I make a big breakthrough on the neutrino cosmology. And nobody else has anything at all to do with it. I had cut off all contacts, and had not spoken to Michael for the previous three years, after reporting him to the police for stalking in early 2015.
After posting a number of short papers online, I received a message from a female researcher in Los Angeles. Would I come to California to talk about my thesis? Now, it was perfectly obvious to me that the thesis was merely a pretext, and they wanted to know more about the new research, which lies at the heart of quantum gravity. I knew it was a human trafficking situation. But I was also filled with ridiculous hopes, that maybe there was an escape from my dreadful fate. Then I found out that Michael Rios had arranged the invitation, and I refused to go. But they convinced me that their institute, Quantum Gravity Research, was independent of Michael, and in the end I could not refuse the only opportunity that I had been given since the end of 2008.
For a week in February 2018, I gave a series of simple lectures at Quantum Gravity Research in Los Angeles. They were posted on the QGR YouTube channel. Over the following months, I spent a great deal of time with Michael Rios, discussing quantum gravity. It was quite clear to me that my new work, along with the old thesis work, had been a very strong influence on the development of quantum gravity amongst this group of researchers. Although these people did not have a background in mathematical physics at all, in late 2018 they began writing papers on the subject, all without mentioning my name.
In April 2018, I spent some time living with Michael Rios in Bakersfield, California. Now I loved him, even though I knew he was a monster. I did not yet understand psychopaths. He convinced me that things would work out now. Here is a photograph from Bakersfield, where Michael and I were both discussing some of the work I did in my tent in 2017. This was about the relation between the golden ratio and the j-invariant. Papers have been written since on this topic, which I pioneered, but again without mentioning my name.
While I was in America, Michael Rios was a great friend. We chatted constantly on Messenger and on Facebook. Michael usually told me about progress from a mainstream perspective, but I would take no notice, and reply from my own perspective. We had been communicating about physics, off and on, for 15 years. But I never really learned anything from Michael. Yet if you look online today, there is NO public evidence that he benefited greatly from my input, although he obviously did. None. He was certainly told about the many problems I faced, as evidenced by this photo from Messenger.
After I returned to the southern hemisphere in late 2018, Michael started emailing me drafts of new papers that he had written, including the ideas discussed on the blackboard above. These drafts did not mention my name.
While working overseas, I also interacted with Michael’s colleague Piero Truini, from Italy. I went to Italy for a week after the big conference in Prague. Piero and I were writing a paper together, but Klee Irwin wanted to fund Piero and not me. Klee Irwin tried on many occasions to employ me at QGR, where I would be expected to do his bidding. In the end, without a computer, I stopped talking to Piero, and in early 2019 he wrote a short paper (see photo) that completely failed to mention that he had ever met me. By now there were a large number of new papers on the arxiv by this group that I had been working with: Piero Truini, Alessio Marrani, Michael Rios, David Chester. The only citation I got was one highly dubious and vague reference to my 2007 thesis in Piero’s short paper, beside Michael’s name. In all consequent papers, they cite Piero’s paper, and do not mention me at all. The Yale conference that they refer to, which was attended by both Piero Truini and Michael Rios in late 2018, was a neutrino conference. Neither of them have ever worked on neutrino physics.
Do you see the pattern yet? By failing to mention my presence in 2018, the Cabal leaves room for future alterations of history, in which I am entirely absent. This started to occur in late 2019.
After one and a half years of waiting for a citation from Michael Rios, or Piero Truini or the group at QGR, I now knew for certain that this was a case of Satanic Ritual Abuse. They might call it something else, but that it is what it is. I was subjected to a whole program of psychological abuse while I was in America, which I describe elsewhere. I was now suffering from severe PTSD, and yet another long bout of homelessness.
Let’s recap. In August 2017, after serious illness, I start writing physics papers on my own in my tent in Auckland. Over the next few months, online history records that (i) the group of Arkani-Hamed in Princeton discovers the correct approach to scattering amplitudes, (ii) Michael Rios is suddenly recognised as a genius, (iii) David Chester and others at UCLA are all excited by Arkani-Hamed’s new work and (iv) Klee Irwin, who is not an academic at all, develops his private quantum gravity research group in Los Angeles. All of it, brand new. There is no concrete evidence for any of it before August 2017. What really happened?
Later in 2019, many talks about quantum gravity began appearing on the QGR YouTube channel. These talks were of course of a much higher standard than early talks, since many academics were now involved in the institute, most notably Piero Truini, and David Chester from UCLA. Michael Rios gave a talk recently which alluded to some of the symbolism that he is fond of: the yellow brick road and Pink Floyd. This might be considered extremely disturbing, if you know what it all means.
While at QGR in early 2018, I had one video removed from their website. In this ‘Operad Revolution’ video, Michael was basically claiming credit for the operad work in my thesis, in an interview with David Chester at UCLA. QGR had to remove the video in order to appease my outrage, and keep me engaged in conversation. In this interview, David Chester has allegedly just attended a seminar on the brand new ‘biadjoint theory’ of Arkani-Hamed. This was a blatant theft of my long term public research program, but by inventing new jargon they had ensured that it would take me some time to figure this all out.
I was working on Operads for particle physics many years before other people appreciated their importance. For example, here is a conference talk I gave in 2006.
In late 2019, I notice that the Operads video has been reposted on the QGR YouTube channel, along with a number of ‘old’ Michael Rios videos. Once again, I attempt to have it removed under copyright law. Even though my case is airtight, because my thesis is published on the University of Canterbury website, YouTube refuses to take the video down.
I continue to complain of the long term criminal libel, now submitting an easily provable defamation report to YouTube. I send personal emails to Klee Irwin and Michael Rios, demanding justice. Klee Irwin at QGR then authorises the removal of my entire lecture series from his website, including my historical February 2018 lecture on neutrinos and the CMB, based on many years of completely independent research.
Needless to say, I have not been given other opportunities to present my work in such a formal setting. I apply for jobs continuously, just to prove that I am not permitted to have one. Klee Irwin’s offers remain the only ‘serious’ job offers that I have received since 2008. And yet he told my family in Australia that I am paranoid. Today, after five or six offers to me in 2018, he tries to claim that I was only visiting QGR to give a talk (see email).
As of today, a Google image search still returns evidence of my QGR lectures, but Google text searches have quickly been altered to make it look like I never had much to do with these people. See for yourself. I have plenty of concrete proof that their story is a pile of lies (meaning, for instance, physical bank cards), but the Cabal is quite obviously in complete control of my life here in New Zealand.
The Michael Rios talks on the QGR website today are NOT the same as the ones that were there when I first visited in early 2018. Not the same at all.
In another current Google search, on the names Rios and Sheppeard, there are only 4 hits, none of them positive towards me. That’s after 15 years of personal interactions and online discussions. See the photo.
Below is a photo of a QGR whiteboard from February 2018, where Michael and I are discussing my ideas on cohomology. I draw the associahedron. Klee Irwin’s group may think that I learned a lot from them, but this is utter nonsense. I never read their papers at all. Trauma prevents me from doing so. (Besides, they do not have the necessary mathematical background, and in the one week that I had an office in Los Angeles, I spent most of my time talking to Michael Rios). Michael and I solved quantum gravity together, in spirit, and although I wasn’t actually there, I am quite convinced that the rest of them learned it from him.
Citation scamming is big business. A colleague of Michael’s and Klee’s, David Chester from UCLA, vaguely cited some of my important work from 2010, in a draft that never made it online (but here is a photo).
Meanwhile on Twitter, Mike McCulloch refuses to speak to me, like the proper academic he is, although he chats happily to many men online about quantum inertia, and he thought he could send me a draft of a paper to review. More interesting, however, is the fact that none of the people who chat with him on Twitter about cosmology ever think to mention my name.
This group includes a number of engineers, physicists and amateur space craft enthusiasts, such as Bhatt and Becker. These two had no choice but to half heartedly cite me, since the whole idea of the quantum inertia neutrino CMB cosmology was mine, but they only managed to cite me in a couple of unpublished vixra papers while claiming credit for my most important ideas. Oh look, Bhatt seems to have a UCLA email address.
Hopefully you can see by now that we are talking about a large global network of people, perhaps all men, who all know each other, and who all know that they are allowed to freely use my work, without ever mentioning my name. I know of no place that my neutrino cosmology is cited besides the Becker and Bhatt papers, despite it being a foundational work in quantum gravity, and most certainly viewed and discussed by all the above named individuals.
At the end of November now, Google has already efficiently removed all evidence of my talks at QGR in 2018, and all evidence of active professional interest in my work. See the photo. It doesn’t take long.
More about this story on Twitter:
Other men in this clique include Garrett Lisi and Eric Weinstein, the MD for Peter Thiel. Weinstein is cited briefly in a late 2018 paper by Rios et al.
It is now 2020. The bad QGR video remains online and my work continues to be censored. Michael Rios continues making ridiculous excuses for never mentioning my work in public.
In 2020, I get one very dodgy, indirect citation from four white men at QGR, in a paper that claims credit for MY idea of an emergent CP violation, which is contained in many of my earlier papers. I remain locked in an electronic cage, and remain badly abused in my own country.